
The Finders are a group of 200 beings who come from the Nexus of all spacetime coordinates. They have entered the LYNKVERSE to assist the Keepers in rebuilding the Sanctuary and help the LYNKVERSE reach its full potential. Each Finder possesses its own unique traits, making every Finder NFT distinctive and different.

There are only 200 Finder NFTs in existence, making Finder NFTs the rarest and most exclusive collection in the LYNKVERSE.

The owners of the 200 Finder NFTs are pioneers of the LYNK community, responsible for building the foundations and creating the frameworks for the LYNK community to grow and succeed. All Finder NFT owners get ahead with 10,000 Charisma (CA) points, which is one of 4 key attributes required to level up their NFT. Each Finder NFT owner will be entitled to 1 of 200 Genesis invitation links to start building in the LYNK Community.

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