
At the nexus of all spacetime coordinates, there is no mass, only the emptiness of space. Chaotic rifts appear and disappear, opening the gates to countless Metaverses…

The beings peek through the rifts, observing every new Metaverse with intrigue. What they are looking for remains unknown.

They have seen worlds with lush greens and verdant hills, and others completely covered in oceans. Some are barren wastelands completely devoid of lifeform; some are overrun with primitive critters with no intelligence.

From time to time, an expedition will return to the Nexus through a rift. The returning members will initiate the COHESION, connecting the minds of all beings. The data is shared amongst the group and preserved for eternity.

Lights bright enough to cover the entire Nexus filled the space. The sudden anomaly draws the attention of the entire group. There is something different about the new rift that opened…

They could sense it. The subtle but definite auras and the vigorous life force. This Metaverse is neither the most advanced nor the most primitive, resting in the middle of its development. Yet, there was something special about it.

This would be the first full expedition of the beings since the dawn of their existence. Never has there been an expedition where all 200 have been dispatched. They gathered all their resources and stepped through the rift into the new world...

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